Christian Baumgartner at a conference in China
Christian is in China again. On the basis of a very short notice invitation to Lishui, I am allowed to give a lecture in the context of a conference on sustainable development Lishui.
Christian is in China again. On the basis of a very short notice invitation to Lishui, I am allowed to give a lecture in the context of a conference on sustainable development Lishui.
IMC Krems always has interesting guests. Through the initiated cooperation with the University of Tehran a group of Iranian PHD students could come to Austria. Christian taught - exactly - sustainability and tourism.
In Ankara / Turkey the 2nd Caucasus Mountain Forum takes place. Christian is allowed to present sustainable tourism development from the Alps in a keynote speech.
October 2019
2nd Health Congress 'Healing Landscape' in Lesach Valley (Carinthia / AT). Exciting speakers report on the connections between agriculture, tradition and health.
17. 10. 2019
Christian on Austrian television. On Talk 1 in the main evening program, he discusses the topic of overtourism with the mayor of Hallstatt and ex-ski racer and hotelier Rainer Schönfelder, among others.
27. 9. 2019
Christian is pleased to be able to participate in discussions on the German Tourism Strategy. An expert discussion in the German Bundestag at the invitation of the Green Party of Germany.
21. 9. 2019
Live discussion on Austrian television with Helga Kromp-Kolb 'on the subject of climate change and tourism.
15. 9. 2019
Christian in double function in Iran. In the context of a symposium on sustainable ecotourism in Tehran, he represents IMC Krems and gives a lecture on quality in teaching.
On the other hand, he has his usual role as a tourism expert and gives a keynote speech on sustainable ecotourism examples from the Alps and Carpathians.
Juli 2019
Summer School ‚Sustainable Leadership‘ for the HTW Chur at Bifröst University in Iceland. Great time in this beautiful country with a group of very engaged students.
17.7. 2019
Moderation of a Slovak-Austrian workshop in the National Park Neusiedleersee to prepare the preparation of nature tourism offers. Within the INTERREG project 'NatureTourNet'.